We Need Your Support
Your donations are invaluable in supporting our work. There are a couple of different ways you can support us which are explained below. We hugely appreciate any amount you can give – big or small, every little helps. All donations we receive go straight back into helping local communities in need. We accept donations via our online shop, so if you choose to click on one of the buttons below you will be taken to an item page, which is set up so that you can enter any amount you like.
We know that for many people donating financially isn’t an option right now, but there are lots of free ways to support us. Spreading the word of 91 Ways on social media by following us and sharing our posts is great, and raising awareness by chatting to your personal networks is a huge help too!
We are so grateful to all of our supporters – thank you.
Donate to our Covid Relief Fund. All money given to the fund goes directly towards food support programmes across the city. We are working closely with community organisations to find out who needs what, and get it to them as soon as we can.

You can also donate to the ongoing work of 91 Ways. These donations go towards things like running our community cooking classes and outreach events (when these are possible). If you’d like to find out more, you can read about our work, or check out our vision for the future.